
The Certified Network Security Associate course offered by Skillfloor is designed to provide comprehensive training in network security. With a focus on equipping participants with the necessary skills to safeguard networks against cyber threats, this course covers a broad spectrum of topics essential for understanding and implementing effective network security measures. Through a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical hands-on exercises, students will delve into key concepts such as encryption protocols, firewall configuration, intrusion detection systems, and threat mitigation strategies. By mastering these foundational principles, participants will be well-prepared to tackle real-world challenges and contribute to the ongoing defense of digital assets in today's cyber environment.

The Network Security Course Outline encompasses a structured curriculum that systematically guides learners through the intricacies of cyber defense. From understanding the fundamentals of network architecture to implementing robust security protocols, each module is meticulously crafted to provide a comprehensive understanding of network security principles and practices. Throughout the Cyber Security Course, participants will engage with cutting-edge tools and techniques, gaining hands-on experience in identifying vulnerabilities, conducting risk assessments, and devising effective security strategies. By the end of the program, graduates will emerge with a solid foundation in network security, poised to make meaningful contributions to the protection of digital infrastructure in an increasingly interconnected world.




Skill Level



1-month Unpaid

Live Project




Live Training


Career Assistance


Expiry Period

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Course Highlights

  • Introduction to Network Security: This segment lays the foundational understanding of what network security entails, covering the basic principles and importance of securing a network.

  • Understanding Common Threats: Explores various types of network threats, including malware, phishing, and DDoS attacks, providing insight into how these threats operate and their potential impact.

  • Encryption and Authentication Protocols: Offers an overview of key encryption and authentication methods used in network security to protect data integrity and verify user identity.

  • Firewall and Intrusion Detection Systems: Explains the role and configuration of firewalls and intrusion detection systems (IDS) in monitoring and controlling network traffic to prevent unauthorized access.

  • VPN and Secure Remote Access: Discusses the concepts and implementation of Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) and other technologies that enable secure remote access to a network.

  • Wireless Network Security: Focuses on the challenges and strategies specific to securing wireless networks, including protocols and practices to protect wireless communications.

  • Network Security Policies and Best Practices: Covers the development and implementation of effective network security policies, along with industry best practices for maintaining network integrity.

  • Risk Assessment and Management: Teaches the process of identifying, analyzing, and mitigating risks associated with network security to ensure business continuity and information security.

  • Incident Response and Recovery: Provides strategies for effectively responding to security breaches, including steps for incident management and recovery processes to minimize impact.

  • Emerging Technologies in Network Security: Offers insights into the future of network security, including discussions on upcoming trends and how emerging technologies like AI are influencing the field.



The Certified Network Security Associate (CNSA) certificate equips individuals with fundamental skills in safeguarding computer networks. Covering key concepts like firewalls, encryption, and intrusion detection, this certification validates a solid foundation in network security. Ideal for aspiring professionals, CNSA signifies competence in identifying and mitigating potential cyber threats. It's a valuable asset for anyone venturing into the dynamic field of network security.

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Tools Covered

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Top 10 reasons

  1. Introduction to Network Security: Explore the fundamentals of network security, understanding its critical role in safeguarding digital assets.

  2. Risk Assessment and Mitigation: Learn to identify potential risks in a network environment and implement effective mitigation strategies.

  3. Firewall Configuration: Gain hands-on experience in configuring and managing firewalls to control and monitor network traffic.

  4. Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS): Understand the principles behind IDS and develop skills to detect and respond to unauthorized access attempts.

  5. Cryptography Essentials: Delve into the world of cryptography, covering encryption, decryption, and cryptographic protocols to secure data transmission.

  6. Secure Network Design: Learn best practices for designing secure networks, considering factors such as topology, protocols, and access controls.

  7. Wireless Network Security: Explore the challenges and solutions related to securing wireless networks, including encryption and access point management.

  8. Incident Response Planning: Develop the ability to create and execute effective incident response plans to minimize the impact of security incidents.

  9. Security Policies and Compliance: Understand the importance of security policies in maintaining compliance with industry standards and regulations.

  10. Hands-on Labs and Simulations: Apply theoretical knowledge in practical scenarios through hands-on labs and simulations, honing your skills in a realistic environment.




  •  Overview of Network Security

  •  Principles of Network Security

  •  Common Network Security Threats and Vulnerabilities

  •  The Importance of Network Security 

  •  Basics of Networking

  •  Network Topologies and Types

  •  Networking Devices and Their Functions

  •  OSI and TCP/IP Models


  •  Fundamentals of Cryptography

  •  Symmetric vs. Asymmetric Encryption

  •  Hash Functions and Digital Signatures

  •  Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)


  •  Secure Socket Layer (SSL)/Transport Layer Security (TLS)

  •  Secure Shell (SSH)

  •  Internet Protocol Security (IPSec)

  •  Virtual Private Networks (VPNs)

  •  Firewalls and Types

  •  Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) and Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS)

  •  Antivirus and Anti-malware Solutions

  •  Content Filtering and Proxy Services


  •  Designing Secure Networks

  •  Network Segmentation and Isolation

  •  Secure Network Architectures

  •  Zero Trust Model

  •  Authentication Methods and Protocols

  •  Authorization Techniques

  •  Accounting and Auditing Practices

  •  Identity and Access Management (IAM)

  •  Wireless Networking Fundamentals

  •  Wireless Security Protocols (WEP, WPA, WPA2, WPA3)

  •  Vulnerabilities in Wireless Networks

  •  Securing Wireless Networks

  •  Vulnerability Scanning and Penetration Testing

  •  Risk Assessment Models

  •  Mitigation Strategies and Best Practices

  •  Incident Response and Disaster Recovery Planning


  •  Introduction to Ethical Hacking

  •  Common Hacking Techniques and Countermeasures

  •  Building a Defense-in-Depth Strategy

  •  Emerging Threats and Future Trends in Network Security


  •  Understanding Compliance Requirements

  •  National and International Cybersecurity Laws and Regulations

  •  Data Protection and Privacy



A certified network security associate is someone who has completed a recognized certification program in network security, demonstrating their proficiency in protecting computer networks from unauthorized access and cyber threats.


Obtaining certification in network security can validate your skills, enhance your credibility, and increase your job prospects in fields where securing computer networks is essential.

To become certified, you typically need to complete specific training courses, gain hands-on experience with network security tools and techniques, and pass an exam that tests your knowledge of network security concepts.

Skills such as understanding of networking principles, knowledge of common security threats and vulnerabilities, proficiency in security tools like firewalls and intrusion detection systems, and ability to implement security policies are important for certification.

Skills such as understanding of networking principles, knowledge of common security threats and vulnerabilities, proficiency in security tools like firewalls and intrusion detection systems, and ability to implement security policies are important for certification.


With network security certification, you can pursue roles such as network security analyst, security engineer, security administrator, cybersecurity specialist, or information security officer in various industries.

The time it takes to become certified varies depending on the program and your prior knowledge, but it typically takes several months to a year of study and preparation.

Earning network security certification can provide you with valuable skills and credentials that can help advance your career and open up new opportunities in the field of cybersecurity.

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