
The Certified UI/UX Designer course offered by Skillfloor provides comprehensive training for aspiring UI/UX designers, equipping them with the essential skills and knowledge needed to excel in the dynamic field of user interface and user experience design. Through a blend of theoretical concepts and hands-on practical exercises, participants gain a deep understanding of the principles, processes, and tools utilized by professional UI/UX designers. This design course covers a wide range of topics, including user research, wireframing, prototyping, usability testing, and design thinking methodologies, enabling students to develop user-centred design solutions that meet both user needs and business objectives. By the end of the UI/UX design course, graduates emerge as proficient UI/UX designers ready to tackle real-world design challenges and create engaging digital experiences that resonate with users.

Skillfloor's Certified UI/UX Designer program stands out as a premier choice for individuals seeking to embark on a rewarding career path in UI/UX design. With its focus on practical skills development and industry-relevant knowledge, this course prepares aspiring UI/UX designers to thrive in today's competitive job market. Through engaging lectures, interactive workshops, and hands-on projects, participants learn how to leverage design tools and techniques effectively to craft intuitive and visually appealing digital experiences. Whether students are newcomers to the field or seasoned professionals looking to enhance their skill set, this UI/UX design course offers a comprehensive learning journey that empowers individuals to become proficient UI/UX designers capable of delivering impactful design solutions across various platforms and devices.



Skill Level



1-month Unpaid

Live Project




Live Training


Career Assistance


Expiry Period

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Course Highlights

  • Introduction to UI/UX Design: Embark on a journey to understand the fundamentals of crafting user-centric interfaces and enriching experiences.

  • User Research Methods: Uncover the secrets of deciphering user needs and behaviours through an array of insightful techniques.

  • Wireframing and Prototyping: Harness the power to visually blueprint and breathe life into your designs with interactive prototypes.

  • Visual Design Principles: Explore the artistry behind the effective utilization of colour, typography, and layout to captivate and engage users.

  • Usability Testing: Delve into the realm of evaluating designs with real-world users to refine and enhance usability.

  • Interaction Design Fundamentals: Immerse yourself in the science of crafting seamless and intuitive interactions for enhanced user engagement.

  • Responsive Design: Equip yourself with the knowledge to craft designs that gracefully adapt to diverse devices and screen sizes.

  • Accessibility in Design: Embrace the ethos of inclusivity by learning to design products that cater to the needs of all users.

  • Tools and Software Skills: Master industry-standard design tools like Sketch, Adobe XD, or Figma to unleash your creative potential.

  • Portfolio Development: Curate a compelling showcase of your skills and projects, setting the stage to impress potential employers and clients alike.



Our Certified UI/UX Designer website, where we bring together creativity and good looks! Our UI/UX certification program is perfect for folks who want to get really good at making websites and apps easy to use and nice to look at. In this program, you'll learn all about user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) design. We'll teach you important things like design thinking, making things easy to use, and thinking about people when you design. Our certified UI/UX designers go through serious training to learn the newest tools and ways of doing things in the design world. They become experts at planning out how a website or app will look and work, testing it with real people, and making sure it does what it's supposed to do. Our certification doesn't just say you're good at the technical stuff, but it also says you're creative and care about making things that people will love to use. When you finish our program, you'll be ready to make a big impact in the digital world. Whether it's designing apps, websites, or software, our graduates have the skills to make things that are not only easy to use but also look great. Come join us on this exciting journey where you'll learn the skills you need to succeed in the fun and always-changing world of UI/UX design and become a certified professional leading the way in digital creativity!

Skillfloor-Certificate Skillfloor-Certificate

Top 10 reasons

  1. Professional Accreditation: Earn a well-known accreditation that attests to your competence and reliability as a graphic designer. This will improve your chances of landing a job.

  2. Enhancement of Skills: To create high-quality visual content, hone your design abilities and familiarity with industry-standard programs like Adobe Creative Suite.

  3. Creative Expression: Using the many design ideas and techniques covered in the course, explore your artistic abilities and let your creativity run wild.

  4. Portfolio Development: To draw in clients and companies, create an impressive portfolio that highlights your range of design projects and accomplishments.

  5. Market Demand: Satisfy the expanding need for qualified graphic designers in a variety of fields, including branding, online design, digital marketing, and advertising.

  6. Brand Identity: Acquire the skills necessary to develop visually striking logos, brand identities, and marketing collateral that appeal to target markets.

  7. Problem-Solving: To effectively communicate ideas and messages visually while meeting the demands and goals of clients, develop your problem-solving abilities.

  8. Opportunities for Teams: Work on design projects with peers and professionals from the industry to get insightful knowledge and grow your network.

  9. competitive: To be competitive in the always-changing design landscape, and stay up to date on the newest design trends, technology, and best practices.

  10. Entrepreneurial Interests: Give yourself the tools you need to work as a freelancer or launch your own design company, providing clients with innovative solutions while having flexibility and independence.





  •  Overview of UI/UX Design

  •  History and evolution of UI/UX

  •  Difference between UI and UX

  •  The importance of UI/UX design in today’s digital world

  •  Careers in UI/UX Design

  •  Introduction to design thinking

  •  Stages of the design thinking process

  •  Problem identification and user research

  •  Ideation and concept development

  •  Prototyping and user testing

  •  Implementation and iteration

  •  Case studies and real-world applications


  •  Understanding user research methods

  •  Conducting interviews and surveys

  •  Creating user personas

  •  Analyzing and interpreting user data

  •  Applying research to design decisions


  •  Basics of information architecture

  •  Designing effective navigation systems

  •  Organizing content and data

  •  Developing sitemaps and wireframes

  •  Tools for information architecture


  •  Fundamentals of visual design

  •  Color theory and typography

  •  Using grids and layouts effectively

  •  Imagery and iconography

  •  Designing for accessibility and inclusivity


  •  Introduction to prototyping and wireframing

  •  Tools for prototyping and wireframing

  •  High-fidelity vs. low-fidelity prototypes

  •  Interactive prototypes

  •  Testing and feedback on prototypes


  •  Principles of usability testing

  •  Planning and conducting usability tests

  •  Analyzing usability test results

  •  Iterating based on feedback

  •  A/B testing and other feedback mechanisms


  •  Overview of popular UI design tools (e.g., Sketch, Adobe XD, Figma)

  •  Comparative analysis of design tools

  •  Hands-on projects with each tool

  •  Integrating UI design tools into the workflow


  •  Creating design systems

  •  Developing style guides

  •  Consistency in UI elements

  •  Scalability and maintenance of design systems


  •  Communicating with stakeholders

  •  Working in teams and collaboration

  •  Portfolio building and job search strategies

  •  Freelancing and entrepreneurship in UI/UX

  •  Trends and future of UI/UX design



A UI/UX designer is a professional who designs the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) of digital products such as websites, mobile apps, and software, with the goal of creating intuitive and enjoyable user interactions.

UI/UX design is important because it directly impacts how users interact with digital products, influencing their satisfaction, engagement, and overall experience. A well-designed UI/UX can enhance usability and drive user retention and loyalty.


A UI designer focuses on designing the visual elements and layout of digital interfaces, including icons, buttons, typography, color schemes, and overall aesthetics, to ensure a visually appealing and cohesive user experience.

A UI designer focuses on designing the visual elements and layout of digital interfaces, including icons, buttons, typography, color schemes, and overall aesthetics, to ensure a visually appealing and cohesive user experience.


A UX designer focuses on understanding user needs, behaviors, and pain points through research and analysis, and then uses that insight to design intuitive and user-friendly interactions and interfaces that meet user expectations and goals.


Skills required include proficiency in design software such as Sketch or Adobe XD, knowledge of user-centered design principles, understanding of UX research methods, strong communication and collaboration skills, and creativity in problem-solving.

While a degree in graphic design, HCI (Human-Computer Interaction), or a related field can be beneficial, it's not always required. Many UI/UX designers have backgrounds in diverse fields such as psychology, computer science, or fine arts.


A certified UI/UX designer is someone who has completed a formal training program or obtained a certification in UI/UX design, demonstrating proficiency in the necessary skills and knowledge required for the role.

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