
The Database Developer Course at Skillfloor has been designed to meet the needs of those who want to become skilled database developers. It provides a thorough look at all the fundamentals of database development. This DBA course guarantees that all students gain a solid understanding of database management systems, SQL queries, and data warehousing by combining academic knowledge with real-world SQL Server abilities. Database design, optimization, security, and troubleshooting are among the important subjects covered in this course, which makes it essential for anyone hoping to become certified as an SQL server developer. Real-world scenarios and practical projects are integrated throughout the program to help students apply what they've learned to real-world database difficulties. This helps students become more proficient as they work toward achieving their DBA certification.

In addition to teaching participants the technical skills necessary for database development, Skillfloor's database developer course guarantees that students gain expert knowledge of data storage, retrieval, and management strategies that are essential in modern society. Using cloud storage solutions and relational database directions, this course prepares students for an exciting profession in database development. Flexible learning pathways are available to newcomers and seasoned experts, guaranteeing that graduates become highly skilled database developers equipped to meet industry expectations with their verified abilities and certificates.




Skill Level



1-month Unpaid

Live Project




Live Training


Career Assistance


Expiry Period

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Course Highlights

  • Introduction to Database Systems: This module covers the foundational principles of database systems, including data models, database architectures, and the role of a database management system (DBMS) in technology infrastructure.

  • SQL Fundamentals: Participants learn the basics of Structured Query Language (SQL), focusing on data manipulation, querying, and basic database design. This includes understanding how to create, update, and retrieve data efficiently.

  • Database Design: This section delves into the principles of designing a robust and scalable database, including normalization processes to minimize data redundancy and ensure data integrity.

  • Advanced SQL Techniques: Building upon basic SQL skills, this part introduces more complex SQL features like subqueries, joins, and advanced data manipulation techniques to handle complex queries and data analysis tasks.

  • Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence: This module explores the concepts of data warehousing, including the design, implementation, and use of data warehouses for business intelligence and data analytics purposes.

  • NoSQL Databases: Participants are introduced to NoSQL database technologies, emphasizing when and how to use them effectively in scenarios where traditional relational databases might not be the best fit.

  • Database Security: This section covers the essential security measures and best practices to protect databases from unauthorized access and data breaches, including access controls, encryption, and SQL injection prevention.

  • Database Optimization and Performance Tuning: Learners will understand how to optimize database performance through indexing, query optimization, and efficient database design, ensuring fast and reliable access to data.

  • Emerging Database Technologies: An overview of emerging trends and technologies in the database field, such as cloud database services, distributed databases, and big data technologies, preparing participants for future developments.

  • Capstone Project: The course concludes with a capstone project, where participants apply what they've learned to design, develop, and deploy a database solution for a real-world scenario, demonstrating their skills as certified database developers.



This Certified Database Developer program is like a gold star for people who are really good at making and managing databases. When you finish all the classes and pass the tests, you get this certification. It shows that you know a lot about things like how to design databases, write special code for them, and organize data in the best way. Certified Database Developers are like experts in databases. They really get how databases work and can make sure data is kept safe and easy to find. This certification proves that you're great at creating and managing databases. It's useful for both experienced professionals who want to show off their skills and newbies who want to learn the basics. Having this certification means you're good at making databases work well, keeping data safe, and making sure it's always there when you need it. So, if you want to stand out in the world of databases, becoming a Certified Database Developer is a cool way to show that you know your stuff and can handle data like a pro.

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Top 10 reasons

  1. Career Growth: Gain access to database development prospects by obtaining a certification that attests to your proficiency in creating, deploying, and overseeing databases for businesses.

  2. Relevance to Industry: Keep up with industry standards for database technology and procedures to make sure your abilities meet market demands.

  3. Data Management Proficiency: Gain expertise in data modeling, querying, and optimization strategies—these are necessary for effectively managing massive amounts of data.

  4. Learning: Learn the best methods for protecting databases from cyberattacks and unauthorized access, as well as for protecting confidential information and adhering to legal requirements.

  5. Performance tuning: Gain the ability to maximize system efficiency by optimizing database performance through query optimization, indexing, and other performance-tuning techniques.

  6. Data Integrity: To create databases that accurately and quickly store and retrieve data, one must understand the concepts of data integrity and standardization.

  7. Scalability: Acquire the skills necessary to create databases that are scalable, and able to accommodate increasing amounts of data and user traffic while maintaining system performance as enterprises grow.

  8. Backup and Recovery: Become an expert in backup and recovery techniques to guard against data loss and guarantee business continuity in the case of emergencies or system failures.

  9. Cloud Database Solutions: Learn how to use AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud for scalable and affordable data storage by investigating cloud-based database solutions.

  10. Opportunities for Collaboration: Work on database projects with peers and industry professionals to obtain insights and grow your professional network for career progress.




  •  Understanding the role of databases in information management

  •  Overview of different types of databases (relational, NoSQL, etc.)

  •  Introduction to database management systems (DBMS) and their functions


  •  Fundamentals of relational databases

  •  Entity-relationship modeling

  •  Normalization techniques for database design


  •     Introduction to SQL and its syntax

  •     Basic SQL commands (SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE)

  •     Advanced SQL operations (joins, subqueries, aggregations)

  •     Principles of database design

  •     Translating business requirements into database schemas

  •     Physical database design considerations (indexes, constraints, etc.)


  •     Conceptual, logical, and physical data models

  •     Tools and techniques for data modeling (ER diagrams, UML, etc.)

  •     Data modeling best practices and standards

  •   Introduction to database programming languages (PL/SQL, T-SQL, etc.)

  •   Stored procedures, functions, and triggers

  •   Error handling and transaction management

  •  Identifying performance bottlenecks

  •  Techniques for optimizing database performance

  •  Indexing strategies and query optimization


  •  Principles of database security

  •  Implementing access controls and encryption

  •  Backup and recovery strategies


  •     Introduction to NoSQL databases

  •     Types of NoSQL databases (document, key-value, columnar, graph)

  •     Use cases and considerations for adopting NoSQL databases


A certified database developer is someone who has completed a recognized certification program in database development, demonstrating their ability to design, implement, and maintain database systems.

Certification in database development validates your skills, enhances your credibility, and increases your job prospects in fields where managing and optimizing databases is crucial.

Certification in database development validates your skills, enhances your credibility, and increases your job prospects in fields where managing and optimizing databases is crucial.


To get certified, you typically need to complete specific training courses, gain practical experience with database management systems (DBMS), and pass an exam that tests your knowledge of database development concepts.


Skills include proficiency in SQL (Structured Query Language), understanding of database design principles, knowledge of database normalization and optimization, and experience with DBMS like MySQL, Oracle, or SQL Server.


With certification, you can pursue roles such as database developer, database administrator, data analyst, or data architect in various industries.


It varies, but typically takes several months to a year of study and practice to get certified.

It can lead to better job prospects, higher salaries, and opportunities for career advancement in the field of database development.

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