
The Artificial Intelligence Professional program offers a thorough and well-rounded education in the field of AI and data science, designed to prepare individuals for advanced roles in this dynamic industry. The program starts with the Artificial Intelligence Foundation, which lays the groundwork for understanding fundamental AI concepts. It then progresses through critical areas such as Machine Learning Associate, Certified Deep Learning Associate, and Certified Computer Vision Associate, ensuring a deep dive into the core technologies and methodologies used in AI. This comprehensive approach allows participants to build a strong theoretical base while gaining practical skills.


In addition to core AI subjects, the program includes specialized certifications in Data Science Foundation, Certified Python Developer, Certified PowerBI Analyst, and Certified Tableau Analyst. These courses are designed to enhance proficiency in data manipulation, analysis, and visualization, crucial for any AI professional. The curriculum culminates with advanced certifications, including Certified ML Expert and Certified AI Expert, which offer a deeper exploration of machine learning techniques and AI applications. By integrating these diverse certifications, the program ensures that participants develop a versatile skill set, capable of addressing a wide range of challenges in AI and data science. With a focus on practical experience and real-world applications, this program equips learners with the knowledge and expertise needed to excel in a competitive job market and drive innovation in the field of artificial intelligence.

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Course Highlights

  • Comprehensive Curriculum: Covers foundational to advanced AI topics, including machine learning and deep learning. Ensures a thorough understanding of AI principles and applications.

  • Industry-Recognized Certifications: Includes credentials such as Certified ML Expert and Certified AI Expert. Enhances your resume with valuable and respected qualifications.

  • Hands-On Projects: Engage in real-world projects to apply your knowledge practically. Builds a robust portfolio showcasing your skills and expertise.

  • Diverse Skill Set: Training in Python, PowerBI, and Tableau ensures proficiency in key data analysis and visualization tools. Prepares you for various roles in data science and AI.

  • Expert Faculty: Learn from experienced instructors with extensive industry knowledge. Gain insights from professionals with real-world expertise.

  • Flexible Learning Options: Available in online and in-person formats to fit different schedules and learning preferences. Offers flexibility to accommodate your needs.

  • Career Support: Provides resources and guidance to help you advance your career in AI and data science. Assists with job placement and career development.

  • Up-to-Date Content: Incorporates the latest trends and technologies in AI. Keeps you current with industry developments and best practices.

  • Networking Opportunities: Connect with peers and industry professionals through course forums and events. Expand your professional network and opportunities.

  • Certification Validation: Gain credentials that are recognized and valued by employers. Demonstrates your advanced capabilities and commitment to the field.



The Artificial Intelligence Professional course offers a suite of prestigious certifications recognized globally, including IABAC (International Association of Business Analytics Certification) credentials. These certifications encompass various aspects of AI and data science, such as Certified ML Expert, Certified AI Expert, and Certified Python Developer, ensuring you acquire both foundational and advanced skills. IABAC certifications are designed to validate your expertise and enhance your credibility in the field, equipping you with the qualifications needed to stand out in the competitive AI job market.

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Tools Covered

tools covered

Top 10 Reasons

  1. Comprehensive Knowledge: Offers a complete education in AI, covering all essential topics from basics to advanced. Equips you with a broad and deep understanding of AI.

  2. Career Advancement: Certifications enhance your career prospects and open up advanced job opportunities. Provides a competitive edge in the job market.

  3. Practical Application: Focuses on real-world projects and case studies. Ensures you can apply theoretical knowledge to practical scenarios effectively.

  4. Industry-Relevant Skills: Training in tools like Python, PowerBI, and Tableau is crucial for today’s data-driven roles. Prepares you with in-demand skills.

  5. Expert Instruction: Learn from industry experts with practical experience. Benefit from high-quality education and mentorship.

  6. Flexible Learning: Available in various formats, including online and in-person. Accommodates different learning styles and schedules.

  7. Enhanced Portfolio: Build a strong portfolio with hands-on projects. Showcases your practical skills and expertise to potential employers.

  8. Recognized Credentials: Earn certifications valued by employers. Demonstrates your specialized knowledge and advanced capabilities in AI.

  9. Updated Content: Course materials are regularly updated to reflect the latest industry developments. Keeps you current with emerging trends and technologies.

  10. Supportive Community: Access to a network of peers, mentors, and professionals. Provides support and career guidance throughout the course.




Module 1: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

-Overview of AI Concepts and History
-AI vs. Machine Learning vs. Deep Learning
-Key AI Applications in Various Industries
-Ethical Implications of AI
-AI Terminology and Key Concepts

Module 2: Machine Learning Basics

-Supervised Learning: Classification and Regression
-Unsupervised Learning: Clustering and Dimensionality Reduction
-Introduction to Neural Networks
-Evaluating Model Performance (Accuracy, Precision, Recall)
-Hands-on with Basic ML Algorithms

Module 3: Data Handling and Preprocessing

-Data Collection Techniques
-Data Cleaning and Preparation
-Feature Selection and Engineering
-Handling Missing Data and Outliers
-Data Normalization and Standardization

Module 4: Introduction to Neural Networks

-Understanding Neurons and Layers
-Building a Simple Neural Network
-Activation Functions and Loss Functions
-Forward and Backpropagation
-Training Neural Networks: Epochs, Batch Size, Learning Rate

Module 5: AI Tools and Frameworks

-Overview of AI Development Tools (TensorFlow, PyTorch)
-Introduction to Jupyter Notebooks
-Setting Up a Python Environment for AI Development
-Introduction to Keras for Rapid AI Prototyping
-Hands-on with Pre-trained AI Models

Module 1: Introduction to Machine Learning

-Machine Learning Concepts and Terminologies
-Overview of Supervised vs. Unsupervised Learning
-ML Workflow and Lifecycle
-Model Selection and Evaluation
-Understanding Bias-Variance Tradeoff

Module 2: Data Preprocessing

-Techniques for Data Cleaning and Transformation
-Feature Scaling (Normalization, Standardization)
-Encoding Categorical Variables (One-Hot Encoding, Label Encoding)
-Handling Missing Data (Imputation Techniques)
-Data Splitting Strategies (Train-Test Split, Cross-Validation)

Module 3: Supervised Learning Algorithms

-Linear Regression: Implementation and Applications
-Decision Trees and Random Forests: Concepts and Use Cases
-Support Vector Machines: Theory and Implementation
-K-Nearest Neighbors: Algorithm and Applications
-Model Evaluation Metrics (Confusion Matrix, ROC Curve)

Module 4: Unsupervised Learning Algorithms

-K-Means Clustering: Theory and Implementation
-Hierarchical Clustering: Concepts and Methods
-Principal Component Analysis (PCA): Theory and Applications
-Anomaly Detection Techniques
-Dimensionality Reduction Methods

Module 5: Model Evaluation and Validation

-Cross-Validation Techniques (K-Fold, Leave-One-Out)
-Performance Metrics (Precision, Recall, F1 Score, ROC Curve)
-Hyperparameter Tuning and Grid Search
-Model Comparison and Selection
-Handling Overfitting and Underfitting

Module 6: Introduction to Neural Networks

-Basic Neural Network Architecture
-Activation Functions (Sigmoid, ReLU, Tanh)
-Forward Propagation and Backpropagation
-Training Neural Networks (Epochs, Batch Size, Learning Rate)
-Regularization Techniques (Dropout, L2 Regularization)

Module 7: Machine Learning Tools and Environments

-Using Scikit-Learn for ML Models
-TensorFlow and Keras for Deep Learning
-Model Deployment Techniques (Flask APIs, Docker)
-Cloud Platforms for ML (AWS, Google Cloud, Azure)
-Introduction to AutoML Tools

Module 1: Introduction to Deep Learning

-Overview of Deep Learning and Neural Networks
-Key Terminologies and Concepts (Activation Functions, Backpropagation)
-Comparison with Traditional Machine Learning Techniques
-Deep Learning Use Cases and Applications
-Tools and Frameworks for Deep Learning

Module 2: Neural Networks Fundamentals

-Basic Neural Network Architecture (Input, Hidden, Output Layers)
-Activation Functions (Sigmoid, ReLU, Tanh)
-Training Neural Networks: Gradient Descent, Backpropagation
-Regularization Techniques (Dropout, L2 Regularization)
-Performance Metrics and Loss Functions

Module 3: Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)

-CNN Architecture and Layers (Convolutional, Pooling, Fully Connected)
-Applications in Image Classification, Object Detection, and Segmentation
-Transfer Learning with Pre-trained CNN Models
-Techniques for Improving CNN Performance (Data Augmentation, Fine-Tuning)
-Case Studies and Applications

Module 4: Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs)

-RNN Architecture and Components (Cells, Gates)
-Applications in Sequence Prediction and Natural Language Processing
-Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) Networks and Gated Recurrent Units (GRUs)
-Challenges in Training RNNs (Vanishing and Exploding Gradients)
-Use Cases and Examples

Module 5: Advanced Deep Learning Models

-Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs): Architecture, Training, and Applications
-Attention Mechanisms and Transformers (BERT, GPT)
-Reinforcement Learning Basics and Applications
-Techniques for Scaling Deep Learning Models (Distributed Training, Multi-GPU)
-Future Trends in Deep Learning

Module 1: Introduction to Computer Vision

-Overview of Computer Vision and Its Applications
-Basic Image Processing Techniques (Filtering, Edge Detection)
-Image Representation and Histograms
-Understanding Color Spaces and Transformations
-Hands-on with OpenCV Basics

Module 2: Feature Detection and Image Segmentation

-Keypoint Detection and Matching (SIFT, SURF)
-Image Segmentation Techniques (Thresholding, Region-based)
-Contour Detection and Shape Analysis
-Object Detection Algorithms (HOG, Haar Cascades)
-Implementing Image Segmentation with OpenCV

Module 3: Deep Learning for Computer Vision

-Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) Fundamentals
-Building a Simple CNN Model for Image Classification
-Transfer Learning with Pre-trained Models (VGG, ResNet)
-Object Detection with YOLO and SSD
-Implementing Semantic Segmentation with U-Net

Module 4: Advanced Computer Vision Techniques

-Image Generation with GANs
-Video Analysis and Action Recognition
-Face Detection and Recognition Techniques
-3D Vision and Augmented Reality Applications
-Real-world Applications of Computer Vision

Module 5: Deploying Computer Vision Models

-Model Optimization for Deployment (Quantization, Pruning)
-Deploying on Edge Devices (Raspberry Pi, NVIDIA Jetson)
-Building and Serving CV Models as APIs
-Integrating CV Models with IoT and Robotics
-Case Studies on Computer Vision in Production

Module 1: Introduction to Data Science

-Definition, Scope, and Applications
-Data Science vs. Data Analytics vs. Business Intelligence
-Key Roles in Data Science (Data Scientist, Data Analyst, etc.)
-Data Science Lifecycle (Data Collection, Cleaning, Analysis, and Reporting)
-Tools and Technologies Used in Data Science

Module 2: Data Collection and Cleaning

-Methods of Data Collection (Surveys, APIs, Web Scraping)
-Techniques for Data Cleaning (Handling Missing Values, Outliers)
-Data Transformation (Normalization, Standardization)
-Tools for Data Cleaning (OpenRefine, Pandas)
-Data Integration (Combining Data from Multiple Sources)

Module 3: Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)

-Univariate and Bivariate Analysis
-Data Visualization Techniques (Histograms, Scatter Plots)
-Identifying Trends and Patterns in Data
-Summary Statistics (Mean, Median, Mode, Variance)
-Correlation Analysis and Heatmaps

Module 4: Statistical Foundations

-Descriptive vs. Inferential Statistics
-Probability Distributions (Normal, Binomial, Poisson)
-Statistical Tests (t-tests, Chi-square tests, ANOVA)
-Hypothesis Testing and Confidence Intervals
-Sampling Methods and Data Distribution

Module 5: Data Preparation

-Data Cleaning Best Practices
-Feature Engineering (Creating New Features from Existing Data)
-Feature Selection Techniques (Filter, Wrapper, Embedded Methods)
-Data Splitting (Training, Validation, Testing Sets)
-Handling Imbalanced Datasets (Resampling Techniques)

Module 6: Introduction to Machine Learning

-Overview of Supervised and Unsupervised Learning
-Introduction to Classification (Logistic Regression, KNN)
-Introduction to Regression (Linear Regression, Polynomial Regression)
-Evaluation Metrics (Accuracy, Precision, Recall, F1 Score)
-Basics of Model Overfitting and Underfitting

Module 7: Data Science Tools and Environments

-Python vs. R for Data Science
-Key Python Libraries (Pandas, NumPy, Scikit-Learn, Matplotlib)
-Setting Up Data Science Environments (Anaconda, Jupyter Notebook)
-Data Visualization Tools (Tableau, PowerBI)
-Collaborative Tools (GitHub, JupyterHub)

Module 1: Introduction to Python Programming

-Basic Syntax and Structure
-Data Types and Variables
-Control Flow Statements (if, for, while)
-Functions and Lambda Expressions
-Exception Handling and Debugging

Module 2: Functions and Modules

-Defining and Using Functions
-Lambda Functions and Map/Filter/Reduce
-Creating and Importing Modules
-Python Packages and Distribution
-Standard Library vs. Third-Party Libraries

Module 3: Data Structures

-Lists and Tuples: Operations and Methods
-Dictionaries: Key-Value Pairs, Methods
-Sets: Operations and Use Cases
-Stacks and Queues (Implementation and Applications)
-Understanding Complex Data Structures (Graphs, Trees)

Module 4: Object-Oriented Programming

-Basic Concepts (Classes, Objects, Inheritance)
-Encapsulation and Abstraction
-Polymorphism and Method Overriding
-Designing Class Hierarchies
-Using Magic Methods and Operator Overloading

Module 5: File Handling and I/O Operations

-Reading from and Writing to Text Files
-Working with Binary Files
-Handling CSV and JSON Formats
-File and Directory Operations
-Using Context Managers for File Operations

Module 6: Libraries and Frameworks

-Data Analysis with Pandas
-Data Visualization with Matplotlib and Seaborn
-Web Development Frameworks (Flask, Django)
-Working with APIs (Requests, RESTful APIs)
-GUI Development (Tkinter, PyQt)

Module 7: Testing and Debugging

-Writing Unit Tests with Unittest and Pytest
-Debugging Techniques (Using PDB, IDE Debuggers)
-Best Practices for Writing Testable Code
-Continuous Integration and Deployment (CI/CD) Tools
-Code Quality and Documentation Standards

Module 1: Introduction to PowerBI

-Overview of PowerBI Desktop, PowerBI Service, and PowerBI Mobile
-Connecting to Various Data Sources (Databases, Cloud Services, Excel)
-Navigating PowerBI Interface and Features
-Data Loading and Initial Setup
-Key Concepts of PowerBI Reports and Dashboards

Module 2: Data Transformation and Modeling

-Using Power Query Editor for Data Cleaning and Transformation
-Building and Managing Data Models (Relationships, Calculations)
-Creating Calculated Columns, Measures, and KPIs
-Advanced Data Modeling Techniques (Data Aggregation, Hierarchies)
-Performance Optimization in Data Models

Module 3: Creating Visualizations

-Building Basic Visualizations (Tables, Charts, Maps)
-Customizing Visual Elements and Using Themes
-Interactive Visualizations and Report Features (Slicers, Filters, Drillthroughs)
-Design Principles for Effective Reports and Dashboards
-Creating and Managing Bookmarks and Tooltips

Module 4: Advanced Data Analysis

-Using DAX (Data Analysis Expressions) for Complex Calculations
-Advanced Report Features (Dynamic Titles, Conditional Formatting)
-Trend Analysis, Forecasting, and What-If Scenarios
-PowerBI Service Features (Sharing, Collaboration, Data Refresh)
-Integration with Other Microsoft Tools (Excel, Azure)

Module 5: PowerBI Administration and Security

-Managing Workspaces, Reports, and Data Access
-Configuring Row-Level Security and Access Controls
-Monitoring and Managing Report Performance
-Automating Data Refresh and Scheduling
-Data Compliance and Security Best Practices

Module 1: Introduction to Tableau

-Overview of Tableau Desktop, Tableau Server, Tableau Online
-Connecting to Various Data Sources (Excel, SQL, Web Data Connectors)
-Navigating Tableau Interface and Basic Features
-Data Importing and Preparation
-Key Concepts of Tableau Dashboards and Stories

Module 2: Data Preparation and Cleaning

-Using Tableau Prep for Data Cleaning and Transformation
-Handling Missing Values and Outliers
-Data Aggregation and Filtering Techniques
-Creating Custom Calculations and Fields
-Data Joins and Blends

Module 3: Creating Visualizations

-Building Basic Visualizations (Bar Charts, Line Graphs, Pie Charts)
-Advanced Visualization Techniques (Heatmaps, Tree Maps, Bullet Graphs)
-Customizing Visualizations and Applying Formatting
-Interactive Elements (Filters, Actions, Dashboard Controls)
-Best Practices for Data Visualization Design

Module 4: Dashboard and Storytelling

-Designing Interactive Dashboards (Layout, Design Principles)
-Using Dashboards for Data Exploration and Insights
-Creating and Sharing Stories with Tableau
-Advanced Dashboard Features (Parameter Controls, Dashboard Actions)
-Collaboration and Sharing Options in Tableau Server/Online

Module 5: Data Analysis and Insights

-Using Tableau Calculations for Advanced Analysis
-Performing Trend Analysis, Forecasting, and Predictive Modeling
-Integrating Tableau with External Data Sources (APIs, SQL)
-Data Performance Optimization Techniques
-Case Studies and Real-world Applications

Module 1: Advanced Machine Learning Algorithms

-Ensemble Methods (Boosting, Bagging, Stacking)
-Support Vector Machines (SVMs) and Kernel Methods
-Advanced Regression Techniques (Ridge, Lasso, ElasticNet)
-Model Evaluation and Selection (Cross-Validation, Grid Search)
-Real-world Applications and Case Studies

Module 2: Deep Learning Techniques

-Advanced Neural Network Architectures (ResNets, DenseNets)
-Transfer Learning and Fine-Tuning Pre-trained Models
-Hyperparameter Tuning and Optimization
-Advanced Convolutional Networks (Segmentation Networks, Object Detection)
-Implementing Complex Models with TensorFlow and PyTorch

Module 3: Natural Language Processing (NLP)

-Advanced NLP Techniques (Word Embeddings, Attention Mechanisms)
-Implementing Transformer Models (BERT, GPT)
-Text Generation and Summarization
-Named Entity Recognition (NER) and Question Answering
-Real-world NLP Applications and Case Studies

Module 4: Reinforcement Learning

-Reinforcement Learning Basics (Markov Decision Processes, Q-Learning)
-Policy Gradient Methods and Actor-Critic Algorithms
-Deep Reinforcement Learning Techniques
-Implementing RL Models for Game Playing and Robotics
-Evaluating and Improving RL Models

Module 5: Machine Learning in Production

-Model Deployment Techniques (Serving, APIs)
-Monitoring and Maintenance of ML Models
-Handling Model Drift and Retraining
-Scalability and Performance Optimization
-Best Practices for Production-Ready Machine Learning Systems

Module 1: Advanced AI Concepts

-Deep Learning Architectures (CNNs, RNNs)
-Transfer Learning and Pre-trained Models
-Natural Language Processing (NLP) Overview
-Reinforcement Learning Basics
-Real-world AI Case Studies

Module 2: Neural Network Architectures

-Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) for Image Processing
-Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) and LSTMs for Sequence Data
-Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)
-Attention Mechanisms and Transformer Models
-Advanced Model Optimization Techniques

Module 3: Natural Language Processing (NLP)

-Text Preprocessing Techniques (Tokenization, Lemmatization)
-Implementing Word Embeddings (Word2Vec, GloVe)
-Sequence Modeling with RNNs and LSTMs
-Introduction to Transformer Models (BERT, GPT)
-Real-world NLP Applications

Module 4: AI in Production

-Deploying AI Models in Production (APIs, Microservices)
-Monitoring and Maintaining AI Systems
-Handling Model Drift and Retraining
-Scalability Challenges in AI Systems
-Best Practices for Production AI Deployment

Module 5: Ethics and Governance in AI

-Understanding AI Bias and Fairness
-Privacy Concerns in AI Systems
-AI Governance and Compliance
-Implementing Ethical AI Solutions
-Case Studies on AI Ethics and Failures


The Artificial Intelligence Professional course is a comprehensive program designed to equip you with advanced AI skills. It covers topics such as machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing, computer vision, and more, preparing you for a career in AI.

This course is ideal for professionals in IT, data science, and related fields who want to advance their skills in AI. It is also suitable for graduates in computer science or engineering looking to specialize in artificial intelligence.

A basic understanding of programming and mathematics, particularly in linear algebra and calculus, is recommended. Prior experience in Python or data analysis will be beneficial.

Yes, upon completing the course and projects, you will receive an IABAC certification that is recognized by industry leaders and can boost your career prospects in AI.

Completing this course opens up various career opportunities such as AI engineer, machine learning engineer, data scientist, AI researcher, and more. The demand for AI professionals is growing across multiple industries.

Yes, we offer job placement assistance upon course completion. This includes resume building, interview preparation, and connecting you with potential employers in the AI industry.