
The Certified SEO Expert course by SkillFloor provides a comprehensive overview and practical training in search engine optimization (SEO). Geared towards individuals looking to master the art and science of SEO, this course covers a wide range of topics essential for optimizing websites to rank higher in search engine results. From understanding the fundamentals of search engines and how they work to advanced strategies for keyword research, on-page optimization, link building, and analytics, participants gain a deep understanding of SEO principles and best practices. Through a combination of theoretical learning and hands-on exercises, students develop the skills and knowledge necessary to implement effective SEO strategies for websites of all sizes, helping them drive more organic traffic and achieve better online visibility.

Throughout the SEO course, participants learn from industry experts and receive guidance on the latest trends and techniques in SEO. By exploring real-world case studies and practical examples, students gain valuable insights into how to apply SEO strategies effectively in various contexts. Whether beginners looking to enter the field of digital marketing or experienced professionals seeking to enhance their SEO skills, this course offers a solid SEO foundation and practical skills to succeed in the competitive world of online marketing.




Skill Level



2-month Unpaid

Live Project




Live Training


Career Assistance


Expiry Period

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Course Highlights

  • SEO Foundations: An introduction to the basics of Search Engine Optimization, covering how search engines work and the importance of keywords in SEO strategy.

  • Keyword Research Techniques: Guidance on how to perform effective keyword research, including tools and methodologies for identifying relevant keywords for your content.

  • On-Page SEO: Instruction on optimizing individual web pages to rank higher and earn more relevant traffic, focusing on elements like title tags, headings, and internal linking.

  • Content Optimization: Strategies for creating content that not only appeals to readers but also aligns with search engine algorithms to improve visibility and ranking.

  • Technical SEO: Examination of technical aspects of SEO, such as site speed, mobile-friendliness, and structured data, that influence a website's performance in search results.

  • Link Building: Overview of techniques for acquiring high-quality backlinks to enhance domain authority and improve search engine ranking positions.

  • SEO Analytics: Training on how to use tools like Google Analytics to track website traffic, monitor performance, and identify opportunities for improvement.

  • Local SEO: Strategies for optimizing your website to capture local search territory, including optimizing for Google My Business and local keywords.

  • Voice Search Optimization: Insights into optimizing for voice search, considering the growing use of voice-activated devices for internet searches.

  • SEO Trends and Future Outlook: Exploration of the latest trends in SEO and predictions on the future of search engine optimization, preparing participants to adapt to the evolving digital marketing.



The Certified SEO Expert course from SkillFloor equips you with the latest techniques and tools in search engine optimization. This comprehensive program covers essential SEO practices, including keyword research, on-page and off-page optimization, technical SEO, and analytics. Throughout the course, you'll learn to create and implement effective SEO strategies that improve website visibility and drive organic traffic. Upon successful completion, you'll receive a certification that validates your expertise in the field. Recognized by industry professionals, this certification is designed to enhance your career prospects, making you a valuable asset to any organization looking to improve its online presence.

Skillfloor-Certificate Skillfloor-Certificate

Top 10 reasons

  1. Advanced Career prospects: Become certified as an SEO specialist to have access to leadership roles in digital marketing as well as advanced career prospects.

  2. Specialized Knowledge: To increase organic traffic and search engine ranks, gain an in-depth understanding of cutting-edge SEO tactics and strategies.

  3. Strategic insights: Discover how to create all-encompassing SEO plans that are matched to particular company objectives, utilizing cutting-edge techniques to increase exposure and return on investment.

  4. Technical Mastery: Gain proficiency in technical SEO areas such as structured data markup, server optimization, and website architecture. This will help you optimize websites for crawlability and indexation by search engines.

  5. Advanced Keyword Research: Acquire proficiency in advanced keyword research techniques and resources to recognize profitable keyword prospects and efficiently target niche markets.

  6. Learning: Learn cutting-edge methods for content optimization to produce interesting and highly relevant material that performs well in search engine results pages (SERPs).

  7. Building Authority: Investigate cutting-edge link-building techniques and strategies to raise website credibility, establish domain authority, and raise search engine ranks.

  8. Algorithmic Understanding: Acquire knowledge of search engine algorithms and upgrades to make proactive strategy adjustments and sustain high search engine rankings.

  9. Conversion Optimisation: To maximize the effect of organic traffic on conversions, optimize landing pages and user journeys by understanding the concepts of conversion rate optimization (CRO).

  10. Constant Innovation: To ensure long-term success in organic search performance, stay at the forefront of SEO innovation by consistently learning and experimenting with new strategies and technologies.





  •  Overview of SEO: Definitions and Evolution

  •  How Search Engines Work: Crawling, Indexing, and Ranking

  •  Understanding SERPs: Features and Trends

  •  The Importance of SEO in Digital Marketing

  •  Fundamentals of Keyword Research

  •  Tools and Techniques for Effective Keyword Research

  •  Understanding Keyword Intent and Relevance

  •  Strategies for Keyword Optimization and Implementation

  •  Website Structure and Navigation

  •  Mobile Optimization and Responsive Design

  •  Speed Optimization and Core Web Vitals

  •  Understanding and Implementing Structured Data

  •  Basics of HTTPS and Secure Websites

  •  Principles of SEO Content Writing

  •  Content Planning and Strategy

  •  Optimizing Headings, Titles, and Meta Descriptions

  •  Image and Multimedia Optimization

  •  Content Audit and Repurposing Strategies

  •  On-Page SEO: Best Practices and Techniques

  •  Off-Page SEO: Building Authority through Link Building

  •  Social Signals and Their Impact on SEO

  •  Strategies for Local SEO and Global SEO

  •  Introduction to Google Analytics and Search Console

  •  Monitoring and Analyzing SEO Performance

  •  Understanding and Using Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

  •  Reporting and Communicating SEO Progress

  • Overview of Essential SEO Tools

  •  Practical Exercises with Leading SEO Software

  •  Keeping Up with SEO Technologies and Trends

  •  Voice Search Optimization

  •  Video SEO Strategies

  •  Advanced Link Building Techniques

  •  Predictive Search and SEO for AI

  •  Understanding White Hat vs. Black Hat SEO

  •  Avoiding Common SEO Mistakes and Penalties

  •  Strategies for Recovering from SEO Penalties


An SEO specialist is someone who helps websites get more visible on Google. They know tricks like using the right words on the site, fixing technical stuff, and getting other websites to link to it. They're like online detectives, making sure websites show up when people search for stuff online.

To become an SEO expert, take Skillfloor's SEO course. Learn the basics, practice, and stay updated. Master keyword research, on-page optimization, and more. With Skillfloor, you'll become an SEO pro in no time.

SEO doesn't necessarily require coding skills, but having a basic understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript can be beneficial. Knowing how to make simple changes to website code can help with on-page optimization tasks like title tags, meta descriptions, and heading structure. 

Anyone with a website or involved in digital marketing can benefit from learning SEO techniques. This includes business owners, marketers, bloggers, entrepreneurs, and web developers.

upon successful completion of the SEO course, you will receive a certificate that you can add to your resume or LinkedIn profile to showcase your newly acquired skills.

The salary of an SEO expert varies. Beginners might start around $40,000 to $60,000 a year. With more experience, you can earn $60,000 to $100,000 yearly. Senior experts can make over $100,000, sometimes even more than $150,000.

You can learn SEO online through Skillfloor, a leading platform for digital marketing courses. Skillfloor offers comprehensive SEO courses designed to cater to beginners as well as those looking to enhance their existing skills.

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