
The Website Fundamentals course from SkillFloor provides a comprehensive review of key ideas in web design and website development. Throughout the program, students gain vital insights into creating visually compelling and user-friendly interfaces by delving deeply into the fundamental concepts of web design. The curriculum is carefully designed to cover important subjects like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, giving students the skills and resources they need to create flexible websites that adjust to a variety of screen sizes and devices. Participants gain theoretical understanding and practical abilities in designing layouts, choosing color schemes, and integrating multimedia elements to optimize user experience, all while keeping a close eye on the basics of websites.

Students are led through a thorough investigation of the complexities of website building during the course, covering every phase from conception to implementation. Through an exploration of the fundamentals of web development, including best practices for coding and optimization, students gain an understanding of theoretical ideas as well as practical skills for turning their design thoughts into real, working websites. The Website Fundamentals course from SkillFloor provides more than just training; it's a complete toolkit that equips learners with the information and resources they need to succeed in the field of web design and development. 




Skill Level



1-month Unpaid

Live Project




Live Training


Career Assistance


Expiry Period

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Course Highlights

  • Introduction to Web Development: The course begins with an overview of what web development entails, including the basic concepts and the roles of web developers.

  • Understanding Domains and Hosting: Learners receive information on how domains work, how to register them, and the process of choosing a hosting service for a website.

  • Basics of HTML: This section introduces HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), the standard markup language for creating web pages and applications.

  • CSS Fundamentals: Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is explored as a style sheet language used for describing the presentation of a document written in HTML.

  • JavaScript Introduction: Offers a basic understanding of JavaScript, a programming language that enables interactive web pages.

  • Content Management Systems (CMS): The course covers how CMS platforms like WordPress can be used to create, manage, and modify content on a website without the need for specialized technical knowledge.

  • Responsive Design Principles: Teaches the principles of responsive design, ensuring websites work well on a variety of devices and window or screen sizes.

  • SEO Basics: Introduction to Search Engine Optimization (SEO), focusing on strategies to improve a website's visibility on search engines.

  • Website Security Fundamentals: Covers essential security practices to protect websites from cyber threats and ensure user data is secure.

  • Analyzing Website Performance: Learners are introduced to tools and practices for evaluating the performance of a website, including speed and user engagement metrics.



The Website Fundamentals course from SkillFloor provides essential knowledge on website creation and management. This course covers the basics of web development, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and content management systems. You'll also learn about website design principles, user experience (UX), and search engine optimization (SEO). The certification you receive upon completion confirms your ability to build, maintain, and optimize websites using modern technologies and best practices. Whether you're a beginner or a professional looking to strengthen your web development skills, this certification is valuable for demonstrating your competence in creating functional and user-friendly websites.

Skillfloor-Certificate Skillfloor-Certificate

Top 10 reasons

  1. Foundational Knowledge: Create the framework for successfully creating and maintaining professional websites by gaining a thorough understanding of website foundations.

  2. Relevance to Industry: Gain knowledge of highly sought-after abilities as companies depend more and more on websites for online presence, client acquisition, and brand development.

  3. Website creation: Learn how to use well-known platforms and content management systems (CMS) like WordPress or Wix to develop aesthetically pleasing and user-friendly websites.

  4. Responsive design: Understand the fundamentals of responsive design to make sure your websites adjust fluidly to various screen sizes and devices, improving user experience.

  5. User journey: Best practices for website navigation and usability, including maximizing user journeys and reducing bounce rates, should be understood.

  6. Content management: Develop your skills in content management to keep websites interesting and up-to-date. This includes handling text, photos, and multimedia.

  7. search engine optimisation: Learn the fundamentals of search engine optimisation (SEO) to raise your website's visibility and position on search engine results pages (SERPs).

  8. Security procedures: Recognise the fundamental security procedures that protect websites from malware, hackers, and data breaches.

  9. Performance Optimisation: Acquire the knowledge on how to improve the speed at which pages load on websites to improve user experience and search engine rankings.

  10. Continuous Improvement: Foster a culture of continuous improvement by keeping up with emerging technology, website trends, and industry best practices via professional development and continuing education.





  •  Understanding the basics: What is a website?

  •  Evolution of websites: From static to dynamic

  •  Importance of websites for businesses and individuals

  •  Key elements of a website: Domain, hosting, and content management systems

  •  Website design principles: Usability, accessibility, and responsiveness

  •  Defining website objectives and goals

  •  Identifying target audience and user personas

  •  Conducting market research and competitor analysis

  •  Creating a content strategy: Content types, tone, and messaging

  •  Establishing a website budget and timeline

  •  Choosing a domain name: Best practices and considerations

  •  Understanding domain extensions and their implications

  •  Selecting a hosting provider: Shared vs. dedicated hosting, uptime, and security

  •  Setting up domain hosting and DNS configurations

  •  User experience (UX) design principles

  •  Creating wireframes and mockups

  •  Typography, color theory, and visual hierarchy

  •  Responsive web design: Designing for various devices and screen sizes

  •  Introduction to website prototyping tools

  •  Overview of popular CMS platforms (WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, etc.)

  •  Comparing CMS features, scalability, and customization options

  •  Installing and configuring a CMS

  •  Managing content: Creating pages, posts, and media

  •  Introduction to HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

  •  Basics of coding: Syntax, structure, and functions

  •  Understanding website architecture and file structure

  •  Integrating design into development: Converting mockups into code

  •  Understanding the importance of SEO for websites

  •  On-page SEO: Meta tags, keyword optimization, and content structure

  •  Off-page SEO: Link building, social media, and online reputation management

  •  SEO tools and analytics: Google Analytics, Google Search Console, etc.

  •  Importance of website security: Protecting against cyber threats

  •  Implementing SSL certificates and HTTPS protocols

  •  Regular website backups and updates

  •  Monitoring website performance and uptime

  •  Pre-launch checklist: Testing, debugging, and optimization

  •  Launching the website: Deployment strategies and best practices

  •  Promoting the website: Social media, email marketing, and online advertising

  •  Tracking and analyzing website traffic and user behavior

  •  Introduction to web analytics: Key metrics and KPIs

  •  Interpreting analytics data: Identifying trends and insights

  •  Continuous improvement: A/B testing, user feedback, and iterative updates

  •  Scaling and growing the website: Strategies for long-term success


A website fundamentals course is designed to teach the basic principles and skills required to create and manage a website effectively. It covers topics such as web design, coding basics, usability, and optimization techniques.

A website fundamentals course is designed to teach the basic principles and skills required to create and manage a website effectively. It covers topics such as web design, coding basics, usability, and optimization techniques.

Taking a website fundamentals course can empower you to create your professional-looking website or enhance your existing site. Whether you're a business owner, aspiring web developer, or digital marketer, understanding website fundamentals is essential for online success.

Web page fundamentals refer to the basic elements and principles that make up a well-designed and functional web page. This includes factors such as layout, navigation, content organization, visual design, usability, accessibility, and responsiveness across different devices.

Start with HTML and CSS to learn how to structure and style web pages, then progress to JavaScript to add interactivity and functionality. Practice regularly and build projects to reinforce your understanding.

Our website fundamentals course stands out due to its comprehensive curriculum, experienced instructors, hands-on learning approach, and focus on real-world application. We prioritize student success and provide ongoing support to help you achieve your goals.

No prior experience is necessary to enrol in most website fundamentals courses. These courses are designed for beginners and typically start with the basics, gradually progressing to more advanced topics.

After completing a website fundamentals course, you will have the knowledge and skills to create your websites, pursue freelance web development projects, or even start a career as a web developer or designer.

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